Goodbye Lupus
By Dr. Brooke Goldner

Goodbye Lupus


Ze vertelden me dat ik geen kinderen kon krijgen...
Ze vertelden me dat dat ik rond mijn dertigste hulpbehoevend zou zijn...
Ze vertelden me dat mijn ziekte ongeneeslijk was... 
.....Ze hadden het fout!

Lees haar indrukwekkende relaas op

In 2018 werkte zij mee aan de documentaire Eating You Alive, hierin verteld zij onder andere haar verhaal en de onverkorte versie hiervan vind je hier.


Brooke Goldner, M.D. is a board certified physician known world-wide for being a medical doctor who has developed a nutrition-based treatment for for her own autoimmune disease, Lupus.

In this personal and intimate story, she takes you through the pain of her illness and her miraculous recovery, and how she discovered the simple yet powerful way to help the human body heal through proper nourishment.

Dr. Goldner makes it easy to understand this essential information on how food can cause and heal disease, teaching it simply and plainly.
She created easy to follow steps you can take to achieving better health yourself using supermarket foods. Also included are her favorite recipes for getting healthier.This is a second edition with proper formatting. First edition issues have been resolved. on Joomla -->
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